
I want to eventually learn enough programming to complete my own personal website

This website sounded like a fun project so over this summer I will continue to add to it/redesign it (life has gotten busier so learning has slowed but i still want to make an effort to improve)

One of the my favorite paintings, "The Death of Marat" by Jacque Louis-David

My interests are:

Thinking about changing the name of my website because i regret my name so some ideas:

  • pierrotsdream-Cool looking clown. most of website in black and white brutalist themes. could be cool
  • weltschmerz/welshrats-indescribable sadness about world. might be too complicated of a name but it's unique
  • moth-beautiful and misunderstood creatures
  • arachnophile-lover of spiders
  • variations of Martyr-cool sounding and tragic